Friday, August 7, 2009


DC was fun, but it's over. I'll miss it. Loved living in DC! On my way back to Nashville now, have to start work there immediately. You can follow my life in Nashville at ! It's my pre-existing blog that I'll go back to updating during my LAST semester in college! It's been fun =-)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Derby Madness!

Derby Madness Documentary Channel Release

Our press release for Derby Madness' national release THIS Sunday on the Documentary channel!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Week

Well! It started on Sunday- went to Kings Dominion amusement park with my two roommates (which was a blast) and then on Monday went to Baltimore to see a Red Sox game! (Sox won). Wednesday Stacy Nam came into town to visit (still here) and tomorrow I'm heading to the International Spy Museum. Saturday heading down town for the 4th of July festivities! And Sunday I'm heading to Charlotte to spend my 21st birthday (Monday) with my Daddy =-) Getting back into DC on Thursday and heading to NY on Friday with my roommate to visit my Uncle! I'm very excited about that! Then Monday we're heading back to DC but first we (Lindzie and I) are going to tour 30Rock.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Today I have officially completed all of my internship hours. I have logged over 130 hours to date!
I will, of course, continue to work here until the end of July (with more paid opportunities).

I have learned a lot here and have been able to teach my co-workers a lot in exchange. The most beneficial thing that I have gotten from this has been learning about broadcasting technology (i.e. fibers/streambox/etc).
On top of all that- I have learned a lot more in basic software like Adobe Premiere and Photoshop- both of which I had never touched- but had used similar programs so was able to catch on quickly and teach the others in the studio.

Blah Blah Blah- the REALLY exciting news is that THE WEEKEND IS ALMOST HERE! =-)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Train Crash in DC

No worries! I am alright! There was a metro collide today in NE DC. It was on the Red Line on the way to Fort Totten. I usually don't go up that way. This is the first time since 2006 I believe that an accident like this has happened. The lines have been having trouble though- a great many delays going to and from work- electrical and derailing issues.