Sunday, May 31, 2009

First Day in DC

Hello! So, today was my first day in DC. Good day too! Beautiful out, maybe 80 with no humidity. Excellent to tour the city. And tour we did!!! First we (my two new roommates, Lindzie and Emily) went down to Studio W and got a tour and met the guys I will be working with. They all seemed super cool, and the two stages were neat with all the new technology I get to play with. Then, we did the tourist thing and went round to all of the monuments (about 5 miles of walking).
Tomorrow I go into work early because the Turkish secret service is coming by to scope it out since later in the day the Prime Minister of Turkey will be in the studio (Recep Tayyip Erdoga). After that, we are heading to the Turkish-American Relations Confrence that we will be covering, so that will be fun. I'm told to dress up, but dress practical enough for moving stuff... heh...

The condo I'm staying in is nice, and I have a room to my own (with a red wall and blue curtians.. BOSTON COLORS!). It's a little empty, but I unpacked everything today and got settled in...

I have to be up at 5am tomorrow, so I'm starting to get ready for bed. I will post a video of our adventure we had today tomorrow night after work. So check back! Also, I'll start to post DC photos at the bottom of the page (the FL ones are still up), so keep an eye out for those too!

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! Particularly the whole Boston colors for the bedroom thing. ;)
