Friday, June 5, 2009


The weekend has come! Finished my first week at work (and also completed over half of my internship hours...). Quick run down:

I have worked 75 hours over the past 4 days and am completely wiped out. (get home around midnight, get up at five kinda thing..) but its been a good experience for me thus far- have (through free-lance and the studio)

filmed at the Pentagon, Gaylord, the Hill, the hotel where

Lincoln lived, and just got back from the Turkish Embassy. I filmed both the Turkish and American chief of staff, the turkish foreign minister, and many more (mon-tue i covered the

Turkish-American relations conference)... and I cant understand

anyone at work cause they all speak Turkish.. Though i am learning it!!! and the other

studio i free lance with are from egypt.. which is cool. im just exhausted lol... so- its good, i just need sleep =-)

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