Friday, August 7, 2009


DC was fun, but it's over. I'll miss it. Loved living in DC! On my way back to Nashville now, have to start work there immediately. You can follow my life in Nashville at ! It's my pre-existing blog that I'll go back to updating during my LAST semester in college! It's been fun =-)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Derby Madness!

Derby Madness Documentary Channel Release

Our press release for Derby Madness' national release THIS Sunday on the Documentary channel!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Week

Well! It started on Sunday- went to Kings Dominion amusement park with my two roommates (which was a blast) and then on Monday went to Baltimore to see a Red Sox game! (Sox won). Wednesday Stacy Nam came into town to visit (still here) and tomorrow I'm heading to the International Spy Museum. Saturday heading down town for the 4th of July festivities! And Sunday I'm heading to Charlotte to spend my 21st birthday (Monday) with my Daddy =-) Getting back into DC on Thursday and heading to NY on Friday with my roommate to visit my Uncle! I'm very excited about that! Then Monday we're heading back to DC but first we (Lindzie and I) are going to tour 30Rock.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Today I have officially completed all of my internship hours. I have logged over 130 hours to date!
I will, of course, continue to work here until the end of July (with more paid opportunities).

I have learned a lot here and have been able to teach my co-workers a lot in exchange. The most beneficial thing that I have gotten from this has been learning about broadcasting technology (i.e. fibers/streambox/etc).
On top of all that- I have learned a lot more in basic software like Adobe Premiere and Photoshop- both of which I had never touched- but had used similar programs so was able to catch on quickly and teach the others in the studio.

Blah Blah Blah- the REALLY exciting news is that THE WEEKEND IS ALMOST HERE! =-)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Train Crash in DC

No worries! I am alright! There was a metro collide today in NE DC. It was on the Red Line on the way to Fort Totten. I usually don't go up that way. This is the first time since 2006 I believe that an accident like this has happened. The lines have been having trouble though- a great many delays going to and from work- electrical and derailing issues.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

National Release!

This is exciting! Below is a press release for this documentary series that I was cinematographer for-it's become a film and now it's making its national TV premiere!


June 19, 2009


Nashville, TN - June 19, 2009 -- DuMedia Lighthouse is proud to announce that the demolition derby documentary movie "DERBY MADNESS! ® The Movie" will make its national broadcast premiere on The Documentary Channel on Sunday, July 26 at 8:45PM EST.

"This is a very exciting opportunity for the film," says John Dudley, one of the directors. "The Documentary Channel is one of the leading voices in independent film production and we are very honored they have chosen to license our film for broadcast. With a potential audience of over 21 million viewers in prime-time on Sunday night, this is a very powerful way to share the DERBY MADNESS! story."

The Documentary Channel (DOC) is the USA’s first 24-hour television network exclusively devoted to documentary films and the independent documentary filmmaker, providing viewers with round-the-clock opportunities to see fascinating, eclectic and award-winning documentary films of all lengths and genres. "We are delighted to broadcast DERBY MADNESS! The Movie," says a statement from The Documentary Channel. "DOC strives for the highest quality and seek to air the personal works of the most talented documentary filmmakers."

"DERBY MADNESS! ® The Movie" follows promoter Mike Weatherford, a Paris, TN, native, along with his group of officials as they travel to various small towns in Western Tennessee and Kentucky for the Derby Madness® demolition derby competitions. The documentary movie also features Bill Reagor, Max Parrish, Wes Gargus, and many others who have participated in the Derby Madness® events.

The Documentary Channel is available nationally via DISH Network (Channel 197) and locally via major market carriers including WNYE New York (Channel 24), Time Warner New York (Channel 25), Cablevision New York (Channel 22), Comcast Nashville (Channel 241), Charter Nashville (Channel 176) and KBDI Denver (Channel 12).

For more information about The Documentary Channel, please visit the website:


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jonny Diaz

Here is one of the latest music videos I worked on.
Jonny Diaz

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Day Off

Going to get my library card at the Library of Congress today! And hopefully hit some museums on the way back.
Also- posted new photos- check them out below! =-)

Friday, June 5, 2009


The weekend has come! Finished my first week at work (and also completed over half of my internship hours...). Quick run down:

I have worked 75 hours over the past 4 days and am completely wiped out. (get home around midnight, get up at five kinda thing..) but its been a good experience for me thus far- have (through free-lance and the studio)

filmed at the Pentagon, Gaylord, the Hill, the hotel where

Lincoln lived, and just got back from the Turkish Embassy. I filmed both the Turkish and American chief of staff, the turkish foreign minister, and many more (mon-tue i covered the

Turkish-American relations conference)... and I cant understand

anyone at work cause they all speak Turkish.. Though i am learning it!!! and the other

studio i free lance with are from egypt.. which is cool. im just exhausted lol... so- its good, i just need sleep =-)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

30 hours in Two Days

Im exhausted! worked 30 hours in two days. Have tons to update- so i thougt the best way with my busy schedule (i work 7 days a week) would be to do a video post at the end of each week- or if i get a chunk of time in the middle- but ill be updating in chunks.
Had dinner with the Foreign Minister of Turkey tonight and heading to the Pentagon to film tomorrow.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

First Day in DC

Hello! So, today was my first day in DC. Good day too! Beautiful out, maybe 80 with no humidity. Excellent to tour the city. And tour we did!!! First we (my two new roommates, Lindzie and Emily) went down to Studio W and got a tour and met the guys I will be working with. They all seemed super cool, and the two stages were neat with all the new technology I get to play with. Then, we did the tourist thing and went round to all of the monuments (about 5 miles of walking).
Tomorrow I go into work early because the Turkish secret service is coming by to scope it out since later in the day the Prime Minister of Turkey will be in the studio (Recep Tayyip Erdoga). After that, we are heading to the Turkish-American Relations Confrence that we will be covering, so that will be fun. I'm told to dress up, but dress practical enough for moving stuff... heh...

The condo I'm staying in is nice, and I have a room to my own (with a red wall and blue curtians.. BOSTON COLORS!). It's a little empty, but I unpacked everything today and got settled in...

I have to be up at 5am tomorrow, so I'm starting to get ready for bed. I will post a video of our adventure we had today tomorrow night after work. So check back! Also, I'll start to post DC photos at the bottom of the page (the FL ones are still up), so keep an eye out for those too!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Packing Up and Heading Out

That's right, I'm packing up my belongings and moving out! This is my last night in Nashville, TN. I'm driving for a one-day stop in Charlotte, NC to get my car checked and see my family! Then I'm heading out to Washington DC with a car-load of life.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Studio W

Here is the link to the Studio I will be working for:
Studio W

And here is the direct link to the main show I will be working on:
Turkish Show

How that works without me knowing a lick of Turkish?... I have no idea...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Alright, so this is the blog that I will be updating in my spare time over the summer. I will be doing most of the updates via video and photos (I will have the photos uploaded to the album below as I take and upload them-right now I have Sound Beach up as a test, but it will be changing soon). I will try to keep in contact with many of you, but you all know how busy I get, so I apologize in advance for lack of communication and hope this will find you all well!